Orange Era

Kid’s world is full of brightness and colors. Everything is clear. Their laughter, crying, sadness, joy and … everything is visible. They fight, and in just a few minutes, they again play without blaming each other. They easily apologize and forgive others. We are the complexities of kid’s world. They learn how to shape their lives, how to wish, what good is and what bad is, what activities are good/bad for girls and what activities are good/bad for boys through observing our behaviors and actions. Little by little, their world divides into two parts: blue and pink. There are times when the kids make their worlds just one world and become harmonious. They work and play together, without thinking of whether their activities are designed for boys or girls. In a summer afternoon, Arad and Dina (my nephews) were at our house and as they always say:  in an orange afternoon, an orange cake can be so delightful. Four oranges from our last shopping were still in the fridge, and that was enough to create some happiness at our house. See the orange cake with the sounds of laughter, jokes and kid plays, without any boundaries in space.

July 2019

